Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18 APK

Update On, September 21, 2016
Update Version, Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18
File Size, 14.52 MB
Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18 (armeabi-v7a_xxhdpi) screenshot 1 Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18 (armeabi-v7a_xxhdpi) screenshot 2 Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18 (armeabi-v7a_xxhdpi) screenshot 3 Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18 (armeabi-v7a_xxhdpi) screenshot 4 Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18 (armeabi-v7a_xxhdpi) screenshot 5 Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18 (armeabi-v7a_xxhdpi) screenshot 4Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18 (armeabi-v7a_xxhdpi) screenshot 5 Google Allo 1.0.006_RC18 (armeabi-v7a_xxhdpi) screenshot 6 

Google Allo Descriptions
Introducing Google Allo, a smart messaging appthat helps you say more and do more. Express yourself better withstickers, doodles, and HUGE emojis & text. Allo brings you theGoogle Assistant, preview edition.

Smart Reply
Respond to messages without typing a single word. Smart Replylearns over time and suggests responses to text and photos, in yourstyle.

Get creative with the photos you send by doodling on them or addingtext.

Say it all with the perfect sticker. Stickers in Google Allo aredesigned by independent artists and studios from around theworld.

SHOUT or whisper
No more typing in ALL CAPS to get your point across. Say it louderor quieter by changing the size of your text with a quickswipe.

Meet your personal Google Assistant
Google Allo brings you the Google Assistant, preview edition. Findrestaurants nearby, share videos to watch, and get answers, rightin your conversation with friends. Add @google to your groupconversation or chat one-on-one with your Assistant. It’s your ownpersonal Google, always ready to help.

Incognito mode
Send messages with end-to-end encryption, use private notificationsto help keep your chats more discreet, and control how long yourmessages stick around with expiring chats.

(The Google Assistant and Smart Reply are only available in Englishat this time)

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