Update On, October21, 2016
Update Version, Snapchat
File Size, 76.90 MB
MSQRD Descriptions
Snapchat is a hot messaging app now that allows people can exchange user-generated photos, texts, and videos -- as well as to use live video chat. Snapchat has gained a reputation as a "" app because outgoing (and incoming) pictures, videos, and texts are not stored on devices, but many people (teens) use it simply to exchange fun, silly pictures.
Enjoy fast and fun mobile conversation! Snap a photo or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend. They’ll view it, laugh, and then the Snap disappears from the screen – unless they take a screenshot!
What's New in can also add a Snap to your Story with one tap to share your day with all of your friends.
The best conversations happen when both friends are present, so we’ll let you know if your friend is Here in your Chat so that you can give each other your full attention. And if you're both Here, simply press and hold to share live video - and Chat face-to-face!
Happy Snapping!
Please note: even though Snaps, Chats, and Stories are deleted from our servers after they expire, we cannot prevent recipient(s) from capturing and saving the message by taking a screenshot or using an image capture device.
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Friends First!
No More Auto-Advance!
Story Playlists!
Watch Stories one at a time, or play them in the sequence you prefer. Simply tap on the thumbnails next to your friends' names in the order you want to see them, and then press play to watch!